I've known so damned many lying-ass Jehovah's witnesses in my lifetime, I've become cynical about what anybody says when they make a personal claim.
My policy (it might sound unfair or ridiculous) is NOT TO BELIEVE a word I'm told.
I will try to always remember the above words when reading any future posts of yours. Certainly, one cannot hold it against a person if the JW experience left them somewhat cynical in outlook!
I believe very much in letting others express their opinions and thoughts - and in the process, "cutting them a bit of slack", as the saying goes. However (and this is just me) I am very careful when it comes to questioning another person's integrity. As a consequence, I do (by my own admission) tend to be rather oversensitive when my own integrity gets called into question. My sincere apologies for having responded in that manner!
PS: In me, you are dealing with a bookworm extraordinaire! Depending on circumstance, that can either be an asset or a curse.